Posted on: 12 May 2023
Your optic nerve is located at the back of your eye and transfers signals from your eye to your brain, which allows your brain to process the images you are seeing. The o

Posted on: 27 September 2021
Myopia, often referred to as near-sightedness, is a relatively common eye condition in children. It makes it difficult to see far-off objects, and it can leave children s


About Me

Looking After Your Eyes You do not realise how important the gift of vision is until it is at stake. I used to take my eye health for granted but all of that changed when I started to have trouble with my sight. I put off doing to see anyone about my problems until my wife booked me an appointment at the local optometrist. The optometrist performed a number of tests on me and recommended that I undergo surgery. The treatment was a complete success and I am very happy with the results. I decided to write about it here so I could offer advice to others.